Imminent expenses
I will run out of seven different medicines in the next 3-12 days. The cost of renewing my passport is far beyond my reach.
Injuries invisible
I accept that my injuries and illnesses are unknowable to others. I shall change my ideal of honesty and openness.
Something will change today, but what?
It’s a big day: lodging expires, I don’t have enough money to pay the person who was helping me save money (irony!), one to three packages are at the post office, and I don’t know what will happen.
Deathwatch 2017: death of
This website will die in a few days because I don’t have enough money for food or medicine, so I cannot justify spending money on domain name registration.
Deathwatch 2017: money and email address
The only way I can possibly write anything is to make multiple posts. I will write until I my symptoms stop me, then click the publish button. This website will die in a few days, so speed is more important than organization.
Guatemalan mountains are high, and you can be, too
I went to pharmacies in Guatemala looking for venlafaxine (Effexor). I was not able to find this useful medicine but what I did find was surprising.