- Modafinil MXN$1271 for 28 days
- DiazepamMXN$1028 for 3 months
- Venlafaxine MXN$381 for 30 days
- Ibuprofen MXN$22 for 40 days
- Omeprazol MXN$70 for 28 days
- Antacid MXN$33 for 30 days
- Loratadine MXN$65 for 40 days
- Subtotal: MXN$2870
- Bus ticket ~MXN$770
- Lodging, 3 nights MXN$336
- Subtotal: MXN$1100
- Passport renewal, expires 1 June 2017, US$140 plus round-trip travel to a consulate, twice, MXN$2000?
- Subtotal: I’m fucked. It’s my only picture ID, it takes multiple weeks to process, it can’t be expedited, and I don’t have that much money
- Convert US$ to MXN$, without fees, US$1 = MXN$19
Total: US$140 + MXN$5970 and I eat what?
(Approximate total US$454.20)
The journey of a thousand miles starts from beneath your feet.