[Video] My coping technique for when I can’t cope, such as right now

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

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[Video] The next step towards 7 May Healthy Day

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

Amazon Wishlist https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2KCFZ4S81V1F1?ref_=wl_share This is the Community Tab of my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/HunterHogan/community Here are multiple pictures and an update about buying coping medicines. https://www.youtube.com/post/UgyCu0sCnmyGb1yWEEJ4AaABCQ Join Discord https://discord.gg/vYBdZma $HunterDao If you live in the US (or UK), Cash App will give you $10 if you sign-up—using my referral code—TNWRKQP. The link to Cash App: https://cash.app/app/TNWRKQP … Read more

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I’m not coping, busses can kill, my needs, Facebook Page, and your help

Hunter Hogan

I’m not coping. Most “Westerners” in developed countries who are intelligent, educated, and/or compassionate should be able to quickly understand that statement. Nevertheless, I would be astounded if more than four readers had even a passing understanding of what I mean why I say, “I’m not coping.” In fact, I would be impressed if more … Read more

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