Article outline: precise writing

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at

Need for precision Reduce ambiguity Show distinction between different ideas Show similarities between different ideas Efficient communication Hohfeld’s system is right Explain semiotics (and look for ways it might help us be better writers) Explain atomism Explain system Answer criticism of his system Examples from all major areas of law Who has a “duty” to … Read more

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Hundreds of my ideas shared; trying to write about a major issue

Over the past month, I have shared hundreds of my ideas ranging from physics to climate change to computing to business to law to labor to domestic violence to social reform to photography. The ideas I shared were only the ideas that I already had written in a format that was easy to convert to … Read more

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Marilyn, baseball analyst business idea

Female baseball player throwing the ball

Marilyn has baseball knowledge, presentation skills, and she attracts men. Combine all three: make videos with her analysis of baseball and make money through advertising, sponsorships, and endorsements.

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If surveillance is good, open it to all

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at

If mass monitoring in its current form is so good at discovering bad things AND if the information is allegedly not an intrusion of privacy, then make ALL of the tools and information immediately available for public use. The public will be able to find the bad people much more quickly than any agency because … Read more

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Contempt to privately enforce OOP, CNCO

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at

Victims need private enforcement Prosecutors do not allocate enough resources Prosecutors have different goals than victims Scope of article Illinois law OOP CNCO No stalking orders Not TRO or injunctions (but has a lot of overlap) Basics of getting a judgment for attorneys fees and collecting those fees (9% per annum rule) Remedies Civil contempt … Read more

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Prof. David Wilkins on Corporations and Law Firms

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at

Professor Wilkins mentioned that corporations don’t want to pay for the training of first year associates. In other words, they insist on only working with skilled and knowledgeable associates. He speculated about some possible solutions. I believe I have one solution: subject lawyers to overtime laws. Concentration of knowledge leads to long hours for lawyers. … Read more

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Legal ideas and interesting cases

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at

Look at the idea that broad discovery rules expanded substantive rights. I think it may have accelerated them, but that they would have eventually arrived. Plus liberal discovery allows the law to be applied more precisely. If discovery were limited, then maybe automobiles would have become strict liability cases or maybe manufacturers would have very … Read more

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Cairo tourism, business for a photographer

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at

Hotels need wall hangings The wall hangings could be photos of Local places to visit Non-local places to visit in Egypt Food from local restaurants Clothing from local stores Any object that could be purchased Anything that would require a tour guide or the explanation of an expert or the sale of an entry ticket … Read more

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Waist-to-hip ratio: a canvas for exploring issues

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at

Series of photographs exploring different issues by using the waist-hip ratio as a tool. Photography is a lie Use different crop techniques to show that the apparent ratio can be manipulated Manipulate the appearance by minimizing the waist Manipulate the appearance by increase hips Why girls hate their stomach Show that the waist-hip ratio disappears … Read more

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