Some improvements


I bought two weeks of modafinil, and it is already helping me. Combined with the positive effects of the alprazolam, the whole of the effects is greater than the sum of the effects of the individual medicines.

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Why the sick stay poor

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at

I very much hate the person I have become. I am unreliable, disorganized, easily startled, and easily overwhelmed. And not contributing to the world. I have no choice but to try to earn some money. I am lucky that I do not lack talent, skills, education, or ideas. I contacted a company about a business … Read more

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A sample of a typical morning in my life

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at

Below is a short description of my morning so far. Each day is different but every day has common themes and today highlights some of the more common problems: quick and sudden oscillation between moods; unpredictable reactions; symptoms, especially from PTSD, interfering with normal tasks; physical symptoms; and that some things that trigger my symptoms … Read more

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I was successfail yesterday

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at

Yesterday, I was successfail again. One of my goals was to reread a link my friend, Josh, sent to me. Dr. Barry Greenwald at the University of Illinois, Chicago, wrote a synopsis of Trauma and Recovery by Judith Lewis Herman, M.D. (Basic Books, 1992). Rereading the above 15-page document was part of my larger goal … Read more

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I slept for four straight days

Hunter Hogan after four days of sleeping

For the past four days, I slept 20 to 22 hours each day; I only left my room once. My symp­toms have nev­er in­cluded rad­ic­ally over sleep­ing: I am chan­ging, but I don’t know the cause(s) or the dir­ec­tion of my change. I do know what caused me to be able to leave my room … Read more

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Lawsuit seeks to bankrupt the Ku Klux Klan

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at

Two Klan members allegedly attacked an American because he had brown skin. A lawsuit brought by the victim and funded by the Southern Poverty Law Center is suing the Klan for inciting the violence. Context of the story: Why is this important? Racism and race-related violence is still a problem in America. Non-violent resolution to … Read more

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Katherine K. Baker is a Professor of Law and Associate Dean at Chicago-Kent College of Law and has an article titled Bionormativity and the Construction of Parenthood in a forthcoming 2007 issue of the Georgia Law Review. A thorough and fascinating article, it provides a model for understanding and analyzing the modern American legal system’s … Read more

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The Tragedy of Don Imus

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at

We witnessed a tragedy this month. Don Imus called the Rutgers University women’s basketball team “nappy-headed hos”. Al Sharpton, and others, said he was racist, got upset, and demanded he be fired. Imus apologized, a lot, and went on Sharpton’s radio show to apologize – again. Imus was suspended. People were still angry. Imus was … Read more

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Did Killing the Hamas Leader Help Israel?

Avg. Income Comparison

Hamas was founded in 1987 and wrote its charter in 1988. Also in 1988, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) said that Israel had a right to exist. The Hamas charter says that they have brotherly respect for the PLO, but that “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just … Read more

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