All of the following have been prescribed or recommended by a doctor, and all of the prescriptions have been prescribed by a specialist, such as a gastroenterologist.
- Venlafaxine 75mg, 2 x day, for anxiety disorder, PTSD, and panic disorder
- Modafinil, prescriptions have ranged from 100mg 1 x day to 3 x day, depending on my need, for depression
- Diazepam 5mg, 3 x day, as needed or lorazepam 1 mg, 3 x day, as needed, for anxiety disorder, PTSD, and panic disorder
- Alprazolam 2mg 1 x day, as needed, for anxiety disorder with a profound sadness symptom
- Omeprezole 20mg, 1 x day, for IBS and GERD
- Ranitidine, for IBS and GERD
- Anti-diarrhea, for IBS
- Acetaminophen (paracetamol), for pain
- Loratadine, for allergies and to reduce the effects of asthma
Supplements (I have not had the opportunity to discuss these with a doctor):
- Vitamin B complex
- DHEA: I have not tried it yet, but medical research shows that it is effective for treating many of the symptoms I have
Posts tagged with:
Alprazolam, Anxiety, Benzodiazepine, Depression, Diazepam, Lorazepam, Modafinil, Panic disorder, PTSD, Venlafaxine