Entropy and legal systems


Entropy 2 a: the degradation of the matter and energy in the universe to an ultimate state of inert uniformity. As the universe moves towards this inert state, the universe becomes more stable—it has less volatility and change. Politico-legal systems also progress towards a stable state. One example is the status quo: whatever the current … Read more

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Email sorting tool

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

Solution: a cross-platform, cross-client plug-in to automatically sort emails based on multiple, user-configurable parameters.

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Bumper sticker ideas

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

1. Anti-abortion is pro-fascism 2. I’m not a jackass or a moron//I’m a tourist! (window decal, so it can be removed) 3. “War” on drugs is fascist 4. Stay back 1 car length per 10mph//High speed? Stay back at least 1 semi-trailer length 5. Slower traffic keep right (with arrow pointing right) // faster traffic … Read more

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Journal entry: In search of certainty

Hunter Hogan in Paris at the Musee Rodin

Monday, January 05, 2009 1:53 AM Try to make a website/journal/document collection with all of my knowledge. Arrange it so I can find the connections and missing pieces. This is about my search for certainty. I need certainty and it is driving me to attempt to understand “reality” as well as I possibly can. A … Read more

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File format: annotated video

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

Have a wiki-enabled file format to supplement existing videos (movies, TV, news, and more) with annotations and hyperlinks to publicly available sources. Auto-update 1. Optional 2. Versioning 3. Decentralized repository 4. Subdivide the files based on categories, languages, and other things? Classes of annotations 1. Examples: trivia, historical references, references to other characters (like a … Read more

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Universal contact synchronizer


Problem: contact lists in multiple applications on multiple computers and in multiple web-based services. The contact lists are not synchronized. Solution: a software tool that can manually or automatically sync all contact lists. Implementation: Client runs on computer, not server. This keeps costs down because processing power is done on the computer or iPhone or … Read more

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Architecture game

Arch building

I’ve wanted to make a game in which the goal is to reproduce significant experiments and discoveries and to learn math and science. One motif could be architecture because the religious desire to build bigger and more impressive religious monuments drove a lot of architectural discoveries which pulled along a lot of math and science … Read more

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Funny video idea: “I’m on a box”

Cat in a box

Cats love getting in/on boxes. (See Maru.) Make a parody video: Music from I’m on a Boat Videos of cats in/on boxes Scene idea: in the middle, have a cat in a litter box instead of a regular box, and parody MC Hammer by saying, “Stop, Litter Time.“

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