Universal contact synchronizer

Problem: contact lists in multiple applications on multiple computers and in multiple web-based services. The contact lists are not synchronized.

Solution: a software tool that can manually or automatically sync all contact lists.


  1. Client runs on computer, not server.
    1. This keeps costs down because processing power is done on the computer or iPhone or whatever
    2. It also means that distribution of the software can be through multiple channels
    3. Clients communicate with other clients or programs directly, without a server intermediary: more similar to a peer-to-peer model than a centralized model
  2. Open source so anyone can extended it to any contact list
  3. In each program that is synchronized, a new “contact” is added to the list of contact
    1. Call the contact “Synch Info” or something similar
    2. Instead of containing information for a real contact, the “contact” contains the parameters for synching the different programs
    3. This makes it is easy to synch from multiple places and clients
    4. It also means that settings are preserved across clients and over time
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