My medicines, in detail
An in-depth look at the medical therapies I use, have used, and would like to use for coping.
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An in-depth look at the medical therapies I use, have used, and would like to use for coping.
I want to do a treatment that has two phases. If it is successful, the possible outcomes range from my symptoms are permanently reduced to I am cured of everything, including my gastrointestinal problems. The first phase takes 9 to 11 days. It is the most difficult, and if I don’t have an improvement, the … Read more
I can reduce my symptoms, eliminate some negative side effects, and lower my costs—if I can buy in bulk.
Until recently, it was impossible for any doctor to cure me.
You can help prove that psilocybin and MDMA are medicines by supporting my recovery from depression, anxiety, and disability.
A Spartan, three-month plan for my recovery.
Without medicine, my symptoms would kill me. But the medicines are numerous and complicated, so they control my life. I want to be healthy again.