Making money through pendulum wave demonstrations
I made money demonstrating a low-quality pendulum wave.
Be pro-social
I made money demonstrating a low-quality pendulum wave.
I remade the pending wave and people have me tips for demonstrating it.
One month of: (Mexican pesos) Lorazepam $713 Alprazolam $595 L-Tryptophan $203 Modafinil $1,194 Venlafaxine $254 Loratadine $32 Phone and internet $150 One week of: This hostel. I need a place to sleep that is better. But this place is $1,281. Food. $1,526. Zero days of: Bupropion $1,734, discontinuing use again because of severe side effects. … Read more
I’m not coping. Most “Westerners” in developed countries who are intelligent, educated, and/or compassionate should be able to quickly understand that statement. Nevertheless, I would be astounded if more than four readers had even a passing understanding of what I mean why I say, “I’m not coping.” In fact, I would be impressed if more … Read more
Did you know that I intentionally got sick? Did you know that I could choose to not be sick?
In sitting in front of food. I’m hungry. I know I need calories. But my stomach is in pain and I’m nauseated and if I eat anything, I will have a lot more pain throughout my gastrointestinal tract for many hours. I’ve taken what few medicines I have that can help this situation. To go … Read more
I almost got hit by a taxi. I got angry at the driver. He got out of the taxi, he was taller, heaver, and jacked. He threatened me. We parted ways. Some people got angry at me and went and got two police officers. That was the only time Mexican police officers have manhandled me. … Read more