Supreme Court to GOP: disenfranchising voters is uncool
The GOP sued Ohio to force them to removed 200,000 new voters from voter registration lists. The Supreme Court ruled today that the GOP does not have the authority to disenfranchise voters.
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The GOP sued Ohio to force them to removed 200,000 new voters from voter registration lists. The Supreme Court ruled today that the GOP does not have the authority to disenfranchise voters.
CNN has run 54 segments about ACORN, but rarely mentions two important facts about the “controversy” that would prove there is no controversy.
A Tom Udall campaign ad shows that public funding for science is a good thing.
“‘All our people do when they go into villages is make noise and break windows and say, ‘If you hurt us, it won’t go without comment.’ It’s only for deterrence,’ she says.”
A high student wrote a short story about a high school attacked by zombies. Police interpreted this as a threat to the high school and arrested the student. We are now safe from the zombie menace.
“Police have arrested innocent people due to faulty fingerprint analysis but have not determined how many cases were affected by such errors, police officials said.”
The British govt is planning to track every every phone call, every email, and every text message in the UK. All people, criminals and non-criminals, will have all of their contacts stored in a database. Welcome to Nineteen Eighty-Four.
“In a study of Christian church members who approached their church for help with a personal or family member’s diagnosed mental illness, researchers found that more than 32 percent were told by their pastor that they or their loved one did not really have a mental illness.”
Australia is creating regulations that all ISPs will be forced to follow: if the govt blacklists a website, then visiting the site from Australia will be a crime.
In a legal filing, lawyers for the US govt claimed that even if 17 Chinese Uighurs were not dangerous to US interests before they went to Gitmo, that after being detained for so long, they are now dangerous. In other words, we made them dangerous. Mission Accomplished.