Afghanistan and Pakistan using diplomacy to end violence
Afghani leaders and Pakistani leaders are talking with the Taliban about how to end the violence in their countries.
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Afghani leaders and Pakistani leaders are talking with the Taliban about how to end the violence in their countries.
Iceland, crushed by the mortgage-based financial crisis, raised its interest rate in an attempt to attract foreign investment in its currency.
Gov. Palin’s use of slang and specific English dialects helps to reinforce her message with specific audiences and to hide its meaning from other audiences. Analyzing her words in this context makes it clear that she is advocating extreme views of Sen. Obama.
Two Americans from Tennessee and Arkansas plotted to assassinate Sen. Obama and kill African-American students. Sen. McCain, Gov. Palin, and the Republicans have incited hate and fear and they should all apologize for their attempts to divide America.
A jury found Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska guilty of seven counts of concealing gifts he received from the oil industry. He is also running for reelection.
Critics are again attacking a law because it is helping children: a Georgia woman drove to Nebraska and left her “troubled” 12-year-old son at a hospital under a law that prevents charging her with abandonment. Would people rather the boy does not get help?
“‘If all the external costs of coal are genuinely reflected in the coal price, this will provide a non-distorted price signal for the whole energy market.’ The report said the external and unaccounted costs to China of using coal included air and water pollution, ecosystem degradation, damage to infrastructure, human injuries and loss of life.”
“I work for a major cell phone carrier. About once a year we hear of a story where someone is desperately hanging on to a voicemail from a lost loved one. We will put a hard copy of a voicemail from a lost loved one in your hands if you ask. It could be the … Read more
The second Gitmo trial has started poorly–the defendant refuses to participate because he wants to represent himself. His court-appointed military lawyer says he must respect his client’s wish and has also refused to participate. Can we please move these trials to an experienced courtroom that does not look like a joke?
An 8-year-old was test firing an UZI sub-machine gun with real bullets at a gun show in Massachusetts. Why?