Pakistan demands halt to US missiles

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at

Pakistan today demanded that the US stop missile strikes in its country. Pakistan says that it undermines popular support for the US. In the US, instead of discussing the benefits and costs of invading Pakistan, we are now talking about the definition of “socialist.”

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YouTube – WVA Vote Flipping Caught on Tape

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at

This video shows how a touchscreen voting machine can be a nightmare. A county clerk tries to show that it is absurd that calibration problems would cause miscast votes, but it still has problems after it is “calibrated.”

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GITMO judge throws out tortured confession

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at

A GITMO judge threw out the “confession” of a teenager accused of throwing a grenade at Americans in Afghanistan. The confession was obtained by Afghani troops after they threatened to kill the kid and his family if he did not admit to throwing the grenade.

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U.S. officials say Syria raid killed terrorist leader

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at

The US attack in Syria apparently was highly successful–our forces brought back the body of a terrorist leader. Why is the American public still talking about faux-socialism instead of the benefits and costs of invading Syria and Pakistan?

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Britain begs Chinese for financial aid

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at

British PM Brown “asks” China and oil-rich countries with lots of cash to help bail out Western countries, like Britain, from the financial crisis. Just a few years ago, Western countries were sending aid to China.

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