Deathwatch 2017: death of
This website will die in a few days because I don’t have enough money for food or medicine, so I cannot justify spending money on domain name registration.
Be pro-social
This website will die in a few days because I don’t have enough money for food or medicine, so I cannot justify spending money on domain name registration.
The only way I can possibly write anything is to make multiple posts. I will write until I my symptoms stop me, then click the publish button. This website will die in a few days, so speed is more important than organization.
I opened it, and published it, today because this website will die in a few days, which I plan to explain in a different post.
Some recent events In this post, I assume you have read 2016 started with great hope; 2017 starts with a deathwatch. I edited the previous post for clarity. DHL returned my package to the US. We are now attempting to deliver the package via USPS and Correos de México. Old shorts ruined. Bought new shorts. … Read more
The harsh reality of the beginning of 2017 is that my health and safety are in rapid decline. Without a significant change, the only question is how soon will I die.
We have far less control over our lives than we believe. The Holocaust-advice-test is a good method for determining if advice you want to give to a person in a dire situation is useful advice.
My computer was stolen. My health is grave. Without more support, I will die.
If you were willing to sacrifice purchasing one 2-liter bottle of soda each week and instead send that money to me, you would be giving me a huge boost in the virtuous cycle that will allow me to heal.
On 1 November 2015 in Oaxaca, Mexico, my backpack with everything I own, was stolen. The only things I have left are the clothes I was wearing and the things that were in my pockets. I need help getting back on my feet.