McCain flipflops on economy
On Monday, McCain said, the “fundamentals of the economy are strong.” Today, he changed his mind and said the economy is in “crisis.” Lacking ideas, he needs a commission to study it.
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On Monday, McCain said, the “fundamentals of the economy are strong.” Today, he changed his mind and said the economy is in “crisis.” Lacking ideas, he needs a commission to study it.
All of the Asian stock markets saw major loses on Tuesday, and the European markets are down. Analysts say that the US financial meltdown is to blame.
The central government has lost control of the richest provinces. President Morales is angry at the Bush administration for meetings with the breakaway governors.
George Takei and Brad Altman have been together for 21 years, and they legally married each other Sunday. In related news, California has not descended into chaos.
Gov. Palin previously invited an investigation of her firing Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan, but now the McCain campaign says she will not cooperate.
Even though the Justice Department set the deadlines for providing information, it has missed those deadlines and now argues that the court should not punish the Bush administration.
Mugabe retains significant control, but the power sharing agreement appears to actually share power.
Rev. Malcolm Brown says the Church of England should apologize for its reaction to Darwin because “by getting our first reaction wrong, encouraging others to misunderstand (Darwin) still.”
The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) attacked a Royal Dutch Shell facility on Monday and a Chevron facility on Sunday.
The US high school system does not prepare students for college–many must take remedial classes in English, math, or both.