If liquids on planes are dangerous, arrest people

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

“Airport security found a jar of pasta sauce in my luggage last month. . . . And to demonstrate how dangerous he really thought that jar was, he blithely tossed it in a nearby bin of similar liquid bottles and sent me on my way.”

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‘Missing link’ fossil stuck its neck out

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

“It didn’t just have protolimbs, it had a mobile neck as well. More details have emerged about the anatomy of Tiktaalik, the ‘fishopod’ that bridges the gap in evolutionary history between swimming fish and four-legged land-dwelling animals.”

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Gunbattle kills 2 at Thai-Cambodia border

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

“A gunfight broke out Wednesday between Thai and Cambodian troops at a disputed border zone near a landmark 11th-century temple, killing two Cambodian soldiers and escalating a conflict that has raised fears of war between the neighboring countries.”

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Arab Israeli arrested for violating Jewish religious law

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

An Arab Israeli citizen who drove on Yom Kippur was arrested “for reckless endangerment and harming religious sensitivities.” Presumably, the reckless endangerment was because he angered right-wing Israelis and set off four days of rioting.

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