[Video] I can’t eat nutritiously. I must eat McDonald’s. I hate it. Factors affecting my diet, Part 4 of 4

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

What do extreme poverty, being hotel homeless, my dental health, and living in Mexico all have in common? They all impact my ability to eat. Part 1 https://youtu.be/76Gi_GkJ_2A Part 2 https://youtu.be/3K1ci9w9FCo Part 3 https://youtu.be/veZLEGzgiKQ You can end my homelessness https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtuqnsAr9-shByXUr0TDuOOUYnw1Y1Vnd https://hunterthinks.com/support https://Patreon.com/integrated https://PayPal.me/HunterHogan Thank you, Anaëlle, for the very hard work you put into this … Read more

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[Video] Cash vs. Card. Cash flow. Factors that affect my diet, part 3

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

Watch Part 1: https://youtu.be/76Gi_GkJ_2A Watch Part 2: What do extreme poverty, being hotel homeless, my dental health, and living in Mexico all have in common? They all impact my ability to eat. https://hunterthinks.com/support https://Patreon.com/integrated https://PayPal.me/HunterHogan Thank you, Anaëlle, for the very hard work you put into this video series.

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[Video] I’m (still) not ok. Vlog

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

You can end my homelessness: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtuqnsAr9-shByXUr0TDuOOUYnw1Y1Vnd https://hunterthinks.com/support https://Patreon.com/integrated https://PayPal.me/HunterHogan

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[Video] Factors affecting my diet, part 2. Vlog

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

Watch Part 1: https://youtu.be/76Gi_GkJ_2A What do extreme poverty, being hotel homeless, my dental health, and living in Mexico all have in common? They all impact my ability to eat. https://hunterthinks.com/support https://Patreon.com/integrated https://PayPal.me/HunterHogan Thank you, Anaëlle, for the very hard work you put into this video series.

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