Fear and hate tactics in the presidential campaign

The 2008 presidential campaign has heated up over William Ayers, terrorism, ACORN, and voter registration fraud. Learn the truth about these topics and see how hate mongering and fear mongering are polarizing our nation.

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3 thoughts on “Fear and hate tactics in the presidential campaign”

  1. I don’t agree with hate or scare tactics, but it goes both ways. I believe that there was a story yesterday about Sara Pahlin being hung in effigy as well. Also, I do believe that Sen. Obama is a socialist, and I believe that is not the direction our country should go. After all, we have muddled along all these years following laws that are based on the constitution, while other countries have struggled. We must be doing something right. Sen. Obama has made negative comments about the constitution and the authors of it, I fear for the future of our country if he is elected.

  2. Yes, someone did hang Gov. Palin in effigy, and it was wrong for them to do that. The difference is that Sen. Obama is not inciting hate and fear. He is not asking telling people that Gov. Palin is “anti-American” and trying to make people think that the Republicans have a secret plan to kill Americans. The problem is not that some people are violent. The problem is that the Republicans are relying on hate and fear to get votes.

    The “socialist” tactic now used by the Republicans is more of the same fear mongering. Notice that they are not talking about actual laws or comparing socialist theories directly to Sen. Obama’s policies. Instead, Gov. Palin says absurd things like that the government will own your inventory. This is more fear mongering. Look up the definition of socialism; it is not what Sen. Obama is proposing.

  3. Interesting decision to use the word “muddled” in that context. Obama isn’t a socialist, he just thinks we can do better than “muddle”.

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