Did Killing the Hamas Leader Help Israel?

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Hamas was founded in 1987 and wrote its charter in 1988. Also in 1988, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) said that Israel had a right to exist. The Hamas charter says that they have brotherly respect for the PLO, but that “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just … Read more

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Should We Allow Gays To Vote?

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

With recent actions in California and Massachusetts, many people have been talking about same-sex marriages. If we continue to ban same-sex marriage, then we should consider prohibiting gays and lesbians from voting. Why do people care if gays and lesbians marry? Honestly, I am not sure that the people that object to gay marriage know … Read more

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Is Iraq another Vietnam?

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

Many people see the daily attacks and regular deaths of US soldiers and think that we are making the same mistakes that we did in Vietnam. If you look closely at the facts, you will see that the circumstances and events in Iraq do not reflect those in Vietnam. Vietnam Government North Vietnam had a … Read more

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We can just leave Iraq

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

Why do nice, rational Americans think we have to stay in Iraq? In March 2003, 68% of all Americans supported invading Iraq. In September 2003, that number has dropped to 50%. Why the change? Why are more people beginning to disapprove of the war? Furthermore, people want troops to come home. 49% of all Americans … Read more

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Kill all terrorists

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

Terrorists killed at least 20 people in Saudi Arabia. President Bush said, “The United States will find the killers and they will learn the meaning of American justice.” We should kill more terrorists. If we can kill all of the terrorists, then they will not be able to kill any more Americans. We killed or … Read more

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Foreign aid helps killers

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

The Unites States government has helped many foreign governments kill their own citizens. Have we stopped this practice? It is common knowledge that the United States helped Saddam Hussein come to power and stay in power by supplying him money and weapons. What would have happened if we had not done that? Would Saddam have … Read more

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Jingoism is American

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

Main Entry: jin-go-ism Function: noun Date: 1878 : extreme chauvinism or nationalism marked especially by a belligerent foreign policy From Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary A friend forwarded me a transcript of a Neil Cavuto commentary. Neil said, “But there are many who protested this war. That was their right then. But I think it’s wrong now.” … Read more

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Invasion = Imperialism (Africa)

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

White House criteria The White House official website says that there are four main reasons for invading Iraq. They point out that Saddam has killed and tortured his own people, waged war with his neighbors, and defied the United Nations. Why is terrorism not on this list? The White House does not use it as … Read more

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Imperialism is not safety

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

People everywhere want to be safe. We all want to feel secure in our daily lives. In the US, we want to protect ourselves from both terrorism and foreign dictators. To reach this goal, we have invaded two countries in two years. Is this really Imperialism? Yes, we are trying to extend our power in … Read more

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Security is not a zero-sum game

Fight the power. Hunter Hogan at HunterThinks.com

It is tempting to believe that if we take power and security from other people then we will be safer. At first glance, some people believe that having power over others will make them safer. This is a false premise. Power and safety are not zero-sum games. A zero-sum game is a game where what … Read more

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