Palin breaks her promise–won’t cooperate with investigation
Gov. Palin previously invited an investigation of her firing Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan, but now the McCain campaign says she will not cooperate.
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Gov. Palin previously invited an investigation of her firing Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan, but now the McCain campaign says she will not cooperate.
Even though the Justice Department set the deadlines for providing information, it has missed those deadlines and now argues that the court should not punish the Bush administration.
Mugabe retains significant control, but the power sharing agreement appears to actually share power.
Rev. Malcolm Brown says the Church of England should apologize for its reaction to Darwin because “by getting our first reaction wrong, encouraging others to misunderstand (Darwin) still.”
The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) attacked a Royal Dutch Shell facility on Monday and a Chevron facility on Sunday.
The US high school system does not prepare students for college–many must take remedial classes in English, math, or both.
In a remarkable demonstration of how a class-action lawsuit helps to enforce the law, Timberland must pay $7 million for spam text messages.
The US offered $100,000 for disaster relief from the two hurricanes that recently ravaged Cuba. Cuba rejected it but asked the US to ease the blockade.
“Truly News” is a collection of recent, relevant, and interesting news articles and blog posts. The site tends to emphasize facts over rumors and science over entertainment. The only “bias” is towards rationality and against propaganda and lies. The articles are handpicked by Hunter Hogan and not by a computer algorithm.
France is considering changing its tax laws to reflect how products affect the environment. Disposable dishes, for example, would be taxed to encourage reusable dishes.