A reality web series about a homeless, destitute, multitalented American trying to recover from PTSD and depression from being disbarred through a possibly corrupt process, while living in Cairo in the aftermath of Egypt’s second revolution in four years.
Original video
- Webcam built-in to my laptop (raw examples using freeware)
- Video capture of my laptop desktop programs and work
- Pivothead camera glasses
- Sometimes, GoPro camera mounted on my chest or in my backpack
- A second GoPro camera for multiple angles
Supplemental materials
- Voice over
- Legal documents
- Still photographs from my Nikon D90 (examples of my work)
- Interviews
- Maps
- News coverage
- Stock photos and footage
Potential costs
- Pivothead camera and accessories (including prescription lenses)
- GoPro camera and accessories
- A wide-angle lens for Nikon D90 and some other accessories
- Faster internet connection in Cairo because upload speeds at hostels and hotels are very slow
- A laptop powerful enough to process the raw data
- Stock photos and footage, unless using sources such as Flickr for free items
- Titling and graphics
- “Writers” to create scripts from the raw materials
- Editors
Production process
- Raw footage provided by Hunter over the internet
- Writers view the materials and develop a script or scripts from the multiple possible storylines
- Hunter provides additional materials, such as voice overs, documents, and still photos, as needed for the story line
- Editors produce the episode
- YouTube through my established HunterHogan channel, which is connected in many ways to my other web properties and products, such as HunterThinks.com and Google AdSense
- New YouTube channel
- Vevo?
- Self-distribution on HunterThinks.com or another website
- Ads from web views
- Affiliate links
- Purchased by a TV production and distribution company to transition to the TV medium