Water, an old friend, and food

I am grateful for:

Hot water
Warm showers relax my mind and often help me cope with the symptoms of stress, especially stomach aches.

Tom is an old friend who I lost contact with for many years. I am lucky that he found me because my attempts to find him all failed. He has a rare skill: he is very good at fixing problems but is not patronizing or belittling.

Easy to prepare food
Canned foods, refrigerated foods, and other prepared foods are relatively recent inventions. Before the explosion in availability of prepared foods, choices were limited: cured meats, sometimes cheese, sometimes dried fruits, some forms of grains (like bread), and alcohol. The taste was usually terrible and most of the foods only lasted a few days. Furthermore, grocery stores did not exist until the twentieth century, so as compared to today, these foods were difficult to obtain or prepare.

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