Iran president vows no retreat on nukes – Iran-

MSNBC is spreading more propaganda. The headline states that Iran “vows” to seek nuclear weapons, “Iran president vows no retreat on nukes“.

But Iran’s president did not “vow” to make weapons, and the article itself does not even claim that is what he said.

First, the article admits that Iran denies seeking nuclear weapons: “The West accuses Iran of seeking to build nuclear warheads under cover of a civilian power program. Iran, the world’s fourth-largest oil producer, denies the charge.”

Next, MSNBC quotes Iran’s president as stating that Iran will not retreat from its “nuclear right.” If Iran is not seeking a nuclear weapon, then this nuclear right must mean nuclear energy.

Which is exactly what the articles tells us next: “Enrichment can provide fuel for power plants, which Iran says is its aim, but also material for bombs if refined more.”

In MSNBC’s universe, which is apparently devoid of logic, if Iran seeks nuclear power, and that nuclear power, once had, can be converted into a nuclear bomb with additional work, and if Iran explicitly states that they are not working on nuclear weapons, and if Iran explicitly states that they have a right to nuclear power, then what Iran was really saying was that Iran is trying to build a bomb.

Under that fantasy, Japan is building a bomb (55 reactors). And so are Switzerland, Slovakia, and Mexico. They all have more reactors than Iran, which has zero reactors.

Propaganda and deliberately misleading the public only makes this tense situation more difficult.

Shame on you, MSNBC.

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