How many dead Iraqis? Depends on who asked

When violence happens in Iraq, US officials, local officials, and newspaper reports often provide dramatically different numbers of dead and wounded. Even facts such as “how many killed” are dependent on the source of the fact. The best measure for Iraq may be very simple: is Iraq as safe as Springfield, USA?

Context of the story:

Why is this important? Arguments about what strategies and tactics to use in Iraq (and Afghanistan) often hinge on the “facts” such as casualties. Consider the source, when considering the “facts.”

Who is involved? The Associated Press did the informal study comparing reports from the US military and the Iraqi government.

Where is this happening? Iraq.

How can you get involved? Specifically, ask both governments to provide more transparency–showing death certificates for all killed may be a simple solution. Generally, use non-violent conflict resolution. Careers: actuary or journalist.

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