El Salvador’s former president sued for crimes against humanity

Human rights groups are suing El Salvador’s former president, Alfredo Cristiani, and 14 former officers for killing six priests and two civilians in November 1989. Although the crimes happened in El Salvador during its civil war, the lawsuit is in Spain based on international law.

Context of the story:

Former President Alfredo Cristiani. BBC News.Why is this important? This is a non-violent way to find justice for war crimes.

Who is involved? The Center for Justice and Accountability and the Spanish Association for Human Rights brought the suit. The case was filed with the National Court of Spain. Alfredo Cristiani was president of El Salvador from 1989 to 1994.

Where is this happening? Madrid, Spain.

How can you get involved? Specifically, support human rights groups efforts to investigate and find justice for victims. Generally, encourage your government to strengthen international legal procedures. Get involved with cultural and legal exchanges. Use non-violent conflict resolution. Careers: international relations, law, and language and cultural studies.

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