Optimism building, day 5

Two minutes of optimism a day, for 21 days.

I am grateful that I was born with many genetic advantages, such as generally good health and a high capacity for learning.

I am extremely grateful for my friend in Europe, without whom, I would have been homeless and hungry a long time ago. He has helped me more during the last two years (emotionally and financially), more than everyone in my family, combined, has helped me during the last four and one half years. He has been very kind and generous.

I am grateful that I slept in a bed last night, that I ate breakfast this morning, and that when I felt a little sick after eating, I could again sleep in a bed under a roof. I walk by many, many, many homeless people every day. I see them sleeping doorways of buildings on hard concrete, covering themselves with trash bags to keep out the rain or with dirty blankets to keep out the street lights, the noise, and the night chill. In comparison to them, I live as luxuriously as an emperor.

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