Study: disconnect Great Lakes from Mississippi

A scientific study suggests separating the man-made connections between the Mississippi River from the Great Lakes because alien species could destroy the fishing industries.

Context of the story:

Ashland Avenue and the Chicago Sanitary Drainage & Ship Canal. by find a city to live inWhy is this important? Fishing is a multibillion dollar industry, and without a change, it could collapse.

Who is involved? Alliance for the Great Lakes released the study. It was funded by two groups: the Great Lakes Fishery Commission and the Great Lakes Fishery Trust. The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago manages the canal connecting Lake Michigan with the Mississippi River. The US Environmental Protection Agency has broad authority to regulate this type of issue. Any changes would have a large impact on shippers.

Where is this happening? The Mississippi River basin is a network of rivers that covers a huge portion of the US from Montana to New York to New Orleans, Louisiana. The Great Lakes is a chain of five large lakes between the US and Canada. The river basin is connected to the lakes by a man-made canal south of Chicago.

How can you get involved? Join or contact industry, trade, and recreational groups. Fisherman, shippers, and recreational users could all be affected. Any change would require government involvement: the State of Illinois, City of Chicago, the US federal government and probably the Canadian government: contact government leaders and agencies.

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