Roundup of site changes

I converted my Computer Science GRE study guide from a Word document to a series of blog posts, backdated to November 2004. All requests for the original word document and directory are now redirected to the blog posts.

I fixed a potential redirect problem with the Ethics Exam Study Guide. I originally had “Redirect /studyguide/Ethics/index.html” in my .htaccess file. A request for /studyguide/Ethics/Excelsior_College_Ethics_Exam_Study_Guide.doc would then be redirected to, which is a bad URI, of course. I added “Redirect /studyguide/Ethics/Excelsior_College_Ethics_Exam_Study_Guide.doc” to the .htaccess. There is probably an easier way to do this, but I have not bothered to learn .htaccess syntax.

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