Hunger strike: you can make money

  1. Background
    1. I have biological health problems that cause depression, anxiety, and panic attacks.
    2. I have had these problems for many years.
    3. I cannot survive on $3 per day.
    4. I cannot heal without shelter, food, and medicine.
    5. I am on a hunger strike: no food and no water. Unless you help me to survive, I will die sometime between December 21 and Christmas 2017.
  2. To help save a life, use PayPal: [email protected] and share this.
  3. If I can heal, I can make money.
  4. I believe I can heal if I have six months of expenses.
  5. If you send me money for six months of expenses, I will pay you back, with interest. So, if need a financial reason to help me, this is your opportunity.
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