The Medical Banner Exchange
This site is a member of the Medical Banner Exchange

Promote your site on the web's largest medical network... Free!

� Free banner advertising
on over 400 medical
web sites.

� Target your marketing to
physicians, nurses or allied
health practitioners and
healthcare consumers.

� Keep competitors banners
from showing on your site.

� Have multiple banners in your
account to promote your site.

Coming Soon

� Use us to serve paid advertising
on your site. We serve your paid
banners and supply independent
traffic reports for your clients.

� Target your advertising to
specific physician specialties.

How does it work?

Simply put, you display banners for members of the network, and they display banners for you. It's free because we sell a portion of this space to sponsors.

Want more info?

Call Bob at 641-472-0998 or send email to mailto:[email protected]

Ready to sign up?

MedBanner accepts only medically related websites.

1999 MedBanner. All Rights Reserved